Blogs 2

Cee Mee Blog

  Teach Them Young- Lead By Example

Is it just me… or if you tell me I must do something, well, I kind of want to do the exact opposite?!?

Tell a kid they must do something, and you often find them doing the exact opposite.

Well then… how do you get kids to do what you want them to do? For instance, how do you get kids to eat healthy and workout- to have good manners and be well behaved?!?

You will have to Lead by Example. 

Kids mimic their parents, whether we realize it or not. They are like sponges and take in everything they see being done around them. They then go about believing that their intake is how things go about daily. Depending on what they see being done, is what they will then go about doing themselves. 

So how does health and fitness come into play here?

This is not just about mannerism, values, ethics, and morals- but also in regard to health and fitness. 




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