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Cee Mee Blog

  Meal Prepping for Babies

As a parent, I can speak from experience when I say how much fun it can be to meal prep for babies. After my daughter was born, I started dabbling into Pinterest and finding many creative baby foods that can be made in advance. 

Benefits of Meal Prepping for Babies

While it is most certainly easier and faster to just go to the store and pickup readymade baby food- there are many amazing benefits that come from creating them all from scratch. For one, the pre-packaged baby foods contain preservatives to help give them shelf life and stay fresh. In addition, many of them contain processed sugar, which, for a growing baby, isn’t exactly the best idea from the start. But mostly being the flavor. There is the saying “there is nothing like a home cooked meal”. Well, it goes without saying that freshly made baby food tastes better than store bought. You can play around with natural flavors, create mixtures that stores don’t even sell. 

So then… What is Needed for All This?

Meal prepping for babies is simple. All you need is a food blender/processor, and lots of fruits and vegetables. For some fruits and vegetables, I would recommend cooking them, say, for instance, apples, to create a softer texture first.

Depending on the age and stage each baby is in, is whether the consistency will be more solid or mashed. However, the best part is that this can all be made in bulk, and majority of these foods, being freshly made, can be frozen and saved for a later date. 




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