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Cee Mee Blog

  Fruit and Vegetable Immune Boosters

Since the outbreak of Covid-19, germs are spreading like wildfire. While there are many precautions in place to prevent outbreaks, such as masks, hand sanitizer, and even preventative shots- there are some natural preventative ways to help keep your immune system up.

I understand many people’s decision not to get the covid shots, although that will require keeping your immune system in check- being that this virus attacks weakened and low immune systems the most. 

Let’s take note that the daily recommended daily dose of vitamin c for kids is ranging from 25-45mg, adults ranging from 65-90mg, and pregnant woman up to 1800mg

Anyways… Here are some natural fruit and vegetables that are high in Vitamin C and great for boosting your immune system. 

The Most Common one would be Oranges . Oranges contain roughly 51mg of vitamin C. One single orange is almost the daily recommended dose of vitamin C per day. It’s like “The Orange A Day Keeps the Virus Away” … should be the quote lol. 

Grapefruits , the fruit I recall getting to use those cute little serrated spoons to scoop out lol. Grapefruits contain about 76.8mg Vitamin C per fruit. Grapefruits are also known to help with weight loss- maybe due to its high-water content. 




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