Blogs 2

Cee Mee Blog

  Beat The Bloat

Let’s face it, we all hate if when we feel like a balloon after eating. Some of us need to go as far as unbuttoning our shirts or loosening our belts. But this shouldn’t have to be. We live in such a fast-paced society, everyone hustling and bustling around at lightening speeds, you’d think our metabolism would be up to par. However, in contrast with that, sadly we live in an environment where unhealthy food is cheaper than healthy options- thus oftentimes making it more challenging for people to eat clean. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Here are some amazing ways that can help you feel and look your best.  

One of the most effective ways to prevent bloating is to drink at least 8Cups of water every single day. For this, I recommend the “My Cup A Day” Water Bottle , which is 64oz. and holds the daily recommended dose of water. This is super convenient as in you don’t have to worry about refilling it (unless you prefer to drink more), nor do you have to carry around 4 water bottles to get it all in. 

Now, just like a car needs proper amounts of oil to run smoothly- so too, our bodies need proper amount of water so that our inner mechanics, aka our metabolism and digestion track, can run smoothly. Of course, you can drink more, this is just the daily recommended dose on average. 




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