Blogs 2

Cee Mee Blog

  Natural Sleep Aids

There’s nothing like a good night’s sleep. Let’s face it. Our body needs rest to recoup and recover from our daily routine- ensuring optimal efficiency. While for some people, sleep can happen in a jiffy, for others maybe not so much. 

But don’t you fret, because there are natural ways to help induce sleep, without having to take unhealthy and unnatural supplements. 

For instance…


Our body naturally creates melatonin, although for some, not enough. In such cases, taking a melatonin supplement can help induce sleep. Melatonin is a natural hormone in your body that helps you feel relaxed and calm. The more melatonin you have in your system the more relaxed and “tired” you may get. 

Setting the scene can help enhance the melatonin’s results- such as dimming the lights, maybe putting on some relaxing background music. In contrast, when you’re trying to sleep, bright lights and loud music will do the opposite, and keep you awake. 

While this won’t put you to sleep, like some unnatural and oftentimes unhealthy methods… melatonin will most certainly help put you in a “sleepy” state. 

Disclaimer: Please read bottles of melatonin supplements and take responsibly. 

Warm Milk

Aaahhhhh… that warm cozy feeling of warm milk, sitting by the fireplace, a plate of cookies, all toasty under a fluffy fur blanket. You don’t want to move, just watch the fire embers burn. Time stands still as you doze off to the sound of bliss. That deep relaxation is what I’m talking about. You know what I mean. 

Now, Warm milk contains an amino acid called tryptophan, which can help promote a relaxing and calm feeling- kind of like melatonin. 

In addition, warm milk, psychologically brings you back to when you were a child, falling asleep to a warm bottle of milk. Swaddled up in warmth, security, and love. As a parent I can say, it worked every time lol.

That warm cozy feeling inside you make you feel relaxed and even drowsy. Perfect for an end of the day snack. 




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